Politics is (not) a men's business?

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Benjamin Höhne: Politik ist (k)ein Männergeschäft? Eine genderfokussierte Analyse der parteilichen Kandidierenden-Auswahl zu Bundestagswahlen, böll.brief Demokratie & Gesellschaft #11. (DOI: 10.25530/03552.2)

100 years after the introduction of the right to vote for women in Germany, the debate about equal participation in politics has gained momentum: Women are too rarely represented in political parties, parliaments and governments. Why this is the case is analyzed in this böll.brief based on the candidate nominations of all seven Bundestag parties. For this purpose, the recruitment stages are inversely reconstructed, i.e. from the members of parliament to the candidates to the party members with their commitment within the party and their selection preferences. In addition, concrete approaches to closing the gender gap are recommended.

You can read the study here: böll.brief

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