Political Representation in France and Germany
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The volume, edited by Oscar W. Gabriel, Eric Kerrouche and Suzanne S. Schüttemeyer, arose out of the German-French research project CITREP (“Citizens and Representatives“). In ten chapters different facets of MP’s activities as well as citizens’ attitudes are comparatively investigated. IParl researchers were involved in the following articles:
Suzanne S. Schüttemeyer (with Oscar W. Gabriel, Eric Kerrouche and Sven T. Siefken): Introduction: Political Representation in France and Germany, pp. 1-57.
Suzanne S. Schüttemeyer (with Eric Kerrouche): Parliament Centered or Constituency Centered? The Professionalization of the Parliamentary Mandate, pp. 59-85.
Danny Schindler (with Elisa Deiss-Helbig and Laure Squarcioni): Where Is the Party? Party Work and Party Representation in the District, pp. 117-139.
Danny Schindler (with Mirjam Dageförde): "Oh That Is a Big Word" MPs' and Citizens' Perspectives on Parliamentary Representation, pp- 197-226.