Previous Events


Landesparlamentarismus während der CoViD-19-Pandemie 

Paper Presentation by Dr. Benjamin Höhne within the panel "Die demokratische Gesundheit in der Corona-Pandemie I. Die Corona-Pandemie als Auslöser oder Verstärker für demokratische Erosion?" at the 28th Congress of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW), Online


Wie krisentauglich ist der Deutsche Bundestag? Parlamentarische Kontrollmechanismen während der Finanz- und Corona-Krise 

Paper Presentation by Anastasia Pyschny within the panel "Institutionelle Unsicherheiten in der Bewältigung der COVID-19-Krise? Parlamente und Verwaltungen „jenseits des Rampenlichts“(II)" at the 28th Congress of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW), Online


Wahl mit Auswahl. Demokratisierung der Parteivorsitzendenwahl 

Panel by Dr. Benjamin Höhne and Dr. Anne Küppers at the 28th Congress of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW), Online


What Drives the Intra-Party Democracy of the “Alternative for Germany”: Ideology, Factionalism or Low Institutionalisation? 

Paper Presentation by Dr. Anna-Sophie Heinze and Dr. Benjamin Höhne within the panel "New Perspectives on Populist Radical Right Party Organizations" at the ECPR General Conference, Online

Candidate Selection in Germany: findings from a large-scale research project 

Lecture by Dr. Benjamin Höhne at the meeting of the international research project “Candidate (s)election in the transatlantic sphere”, International Republican Institute (IRI), Rome


Candidate Selection and Intra-Party Democracy 

Panel chaired by Dr. Benjamin Höhne at the 26th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA), Lissabon


Elite Domination or Participatory Democracy? Comparing the Rules of the Game within Parliamentary Party Groups 

Paper Presentation by Oliver Kannenberg and Dr. Danny Schindler within the panel "Key Issues of Legislative Research: Representation, Legislation and Beyond" at the 26th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA), Online


Constitutional foundations of parliamentary opposition power in autocratic and hybrid regimes: The case of Africa 

Paper Presentation by Dr. Danny Schindler within the panel "Driving Forces of Democratization in Africa: between change and continuity" at the 26th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA), Online


Parliamentary Indicators – Comparative Ways towards Performance Measurement 

Participation as discussant by Dr. Danny Schindler at the 26th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA), Online


"Where the Electoral Shoe Pinches" – Postal Voting as a Topic in Electoral Complaints in Germany 

Paper Presentation by Daniel Hellmann within the panel "Early Voting and Electoral Integrity" at the ECPR Joint Sessions 2021, online